Our Services excellently delivered. Bravely executed. Professionally Planned.
Immigration Law Division
We are a duly accredited law office of the BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION & DEPORTATION (BID). We process everything required at the Bureau of Immigration.

- Annual Report (AR)
- ACR I-CARD Issuance
- Voluntary Application for ACR I-Card
- Renewal of ACR I-Card
- Re-Issuance of ACR I-Card
- ACR I-Card Waiver
- Cancellation of ACR I-Card
- Philippine Born-Registrants
- Application for Retention / Re-Acquisition of Philippine Citizenship
- Inclusion of Dependents under R.A. 9225
- Recognition as Filipino Citizen
- Affirmation of Recognition as Filipino Citizen
- Cancellation of Alien Certificate of Registry (ACR)
- Certification for not the same person
- ACR I-Card Certification
- BI Clearance Certification
- Pending Visa Application Certification
- Certified True Copy Certification
- Travel Records Certification
- Certificate of Non-Registration / Registration
Immigrant Visas
- Child born abroad of immigrant mother
- Child born subsequent to the issuance of immigrant visa of the accompanying parent (13-C)
- Immigrant Visa by Marriage (13-A)
- Permanent Resident Visa (PRV)
- Returning Former Natural Born Filipino Citizen (13-G)
- Returning Resident (13-E)
- Quota Visa (13)
We also assist in the following:
- Waiver for Exclusion Ground
- Downgrading of Visa
- Transfer for Old / Lost / Cancelled Passport
Business Hours
9:00am to 7:00pm
Email Us
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(+63) 915 374 5663
(+63) 918 435 6873